Possibly, these were hidden because from the first Grand Poo World, before the Bowser Fight, there was a portrait of Barbarian.Barbarian has added in portraits of well known SMW Central users, such as PangaeaPanga, Juzcook, and Grand POOBear (pictured).GrandPooBear's Portrait in Fraternal Fortress.

It is regarded by many as one of the greatest Kaizo Mario hacks of all-time, with Grand POOBear himself referring to it in a Speedrun Sessions event as "his favorite game of all-time". The ROM hack received near-universal acclaim from players for its outside the box and original level designs, remixed soundtrack, and multiple ending paths. Grand Poo World 2 has been played by numerous high-profile streamers in the Kaizo Mario community including Ryukahr, Juzcook, Thabeast721, Nobletofu, GlitchCat7, PangaeaPanga, Failstream, and Grand POOBear himself, among others.