For more information, check out the system requirements. Ultimately though, playing the Minecraft Demo Mode is a great way to see if your system can run Minecraft.
You just purchased Minecraft while the account was logged into the launcher, or you have not yet chosen a Java profile name. In this case, you will have received an email from Mojang Studios.
You have an old Minecraft account that was never migrated to a Mojang account. You purchased Minecraft under a different email address, or the email address has been changed. If you purchased after that date, you MUST use your Microsoft account to log in. You purchased Minecraft: Java Edition after December 1, 2020, and logged in using the wrong account type. If you have migrated your Mojang account, you must use your Microsoft account to log in. You migrated your Mojang account to a Microsoft account and logged in using the wrong account type. There are two possible scenarios here that will appear in t he launcher as such: Note: If you've previously been able to play Minecraft: Java Edition and are suddenly shown the demo when attempting to launch, please make sure you're logged into the Microsoft Account you used to purchase Minecraft: Java Edition. If you are Stuck on the Demo of Minecraft: Java Edition In this case, you will have received an email from Mojang Studios You have an Unmigrated legacy Minecraft account.
You purchased Minecraft under a different email address, or the email address has been changed.If you are Stuck on the Demo of Minecraft: Java Edition.The demo mode is available to any Mojang or Microsoft account that is logged into the launcher but does not own a purchased copy of Minecraft.
The demo mode lasts five in-game days or about 100 minutes in real-time. If you would like to try Minecraft: Java Edition before deciding to purchase the game, download the Minecraft launcher.